Thursday, September 13, 2012

Necessary Kitchen Attire

Howdy all! Has it been a good week for you so far? Here, at the Fried Okie's homestead it has been productive, but not a good week per-say. Oh well, I just keep telling myself when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Cliche as it is, it has helped. September has always been a really rough month for our family, every single year, for the last 9 years. We do not know why, exactly, but its a struggle to keep optimistic. We just face it, breathe deep, give it to God, and put one foot in front of the other. Here's how this week has gone for us. Friday, go to the bank, make deposit, and after a few un-expected bills, gasp at the balance in the account. Oh boy is it gonna be a tough week!! Saturday, find out that my hubby has to work, so I'm on my own for the weekend. Sunday morning, we discovered the spray paint my oldest had borrowed, got into the hands of our 3 year old. He tagged the side of our home in the backyard all the way down the length of our house. Then we discovered he had brought it out front, and I guess our 8 year old, and the two 6 year old neighbor girls, couldn't resist the temptation to become illegal artists. Two doors down there is a bank repo, and the kids decided it needed a deep rusty red zig-zag pattern on the pale blue vinyl siding. Monday, (repaint side of house, and the front deck) my neighbor came over pounding on the door asking if I knew about it. Yes I did but we wee going to clean it, talk to the kids ourselves, and get the whole story before we told anyone. Well, I guess we were too late! Tuesday, an unknown person drives up and take pictures of the tagging on the house....UH-OH!! Wednesday morning I promised to clean up the African Daisies in her back yard. I wanted to propagate some, and her's were growing over the boarder and almost into her pool. I started about 8;00am, and finished at 11:30. For an hour I took trimmings, and dipped them in hormones, and put them out to take root. At 12:30 I got ready to go buy a few supplies for cleaning the paint off of the empty house, and my car has a dead battery. Hop in hubby's truck, again, dead battery. Oh well I guess I game some Goo Gone, and SOS to clean the wall. I started that at about 12:30, the kids got home at 2:00, and started "helping", we finished at about 5:00. As i walked home, my youngest had discovered the propagating daisies, and thought he'd help by "pulling the weeds" he said!! We are really getting a lot of teaching opportunities this week. I refuse to be deflated. I just want to do a few fun things this month. Here it is Thursday, and I am caught up on the house work, only one load of laundry to do, I am possibly getting the opportunity to go to a few cake decorating classes with a girlfriend, and I found this fantastic fabric I had and completely forgot my NanE' gave me, I really want to make a skirt with. I have some great ideas to finish decorating the office, cuz I'm tired of the office the way it is now. So I will be sewing. I love to sew. My sweet, perfect for me hubby, built me a sewing room out of the walk in closet in the office. Many a curtain, set of PJ's, pretty blouses, and costumes have come out of this, my favorite second floor room of the house!! Another item that tends to fly out of the sewing room, aprons. I love aprons. I am truly of a mind that one can never have too many aprons. That would be like saying I have too many shoes, or hubby has too many tools or too much money in the bank!!! That is treading too close to blasphemy for my taste!! As I am not the only one who works in the kitchen, I am not the only one who needs an apron. So today, we sew.
Jenna and Kaylee and their personalized aprons.
I sometimes get impatient, and my all of my sewing machines needed cleaning after I made these, so I couldn't embroider with it, so I did it by hand. This is the "J" for my Jenna's apron.
A pretty "K" for my pretty Kaylee
When my hubby gets home from church on Sunday, he likes to grill when he can, but has a tendency to forget to change out of his dress clothes. Well I can fix that, new apron! We fight playfully about who loves who more, so I started letting him win "I love you more", and I started saying "I love you best!" So this apron says "I'm Loved Best!!"
Gotta wear the aprons while making daddy cookies...
I have a blue apron just like the girls matching personalized aprons, but haven't embroidered the "MOMMY"S" on it yet. But here is my newest dress apron. this one is my favorite. I love the floral pattern ruffles on the bottom.
Here is the apron I wear the most. It is sort of my everyday apron. I had a heavy cord garden apron last year, I made and lived in last year, but it was stored under the sink in the outdoor kitchen, and there was a leak we didn't know about, and it had to be thrown away. There would have been no way to get that mold out of it! I was very sad. I loved the big loose pockets, perfect for getting the veggies picked, or gathering eggs,and keeping my hands free. I definitely need to make another one. I am off to stay caught up and maybe squeeze in a fun project. Many blessings to my friends. Remember, no matter how good or rough your day/week/month is, tomorrow is a new day! There's always a blessing to grab on to and lighten your heart. All of you, my sweet friends, are just such a blessing. Warmest wishes from this Fried Okie's Suburban Kitchen; and sewing room; to yours.

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